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Microsoft Dynamics 365

End-to-end testing within Microsoft Dynamics 365

Use BotzAutomation to test, automate and ensure that the CRM and ERP processes within finance, operations, marketing and sales are working at top efficiency.
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Our Dynamics 365 Testing Capabilities

Component-based test authoring
Automate testing Dynamics 365 processes, APIs, integrations and backend data using a BotzAutomation add‑on and without writing any code.
API Testing
Convert your Dynamics 365 RESTful API specifications into automatable test cases in a snap.
PDF Document Package Testing
Verify PDF quotes, invoices, reports and other documents to ensure that the end user can open/edit documents and the data is valid.
Integrate UI validation with API, PDF, and Digital validation and perform end-to-end Orchestrated workflows.
Enterprise Application Testing
Automate and validate end‑to‑end processes, integrations and associated APIs.
Cloud Testing
Verify Dynamics 365 cloud updates using the BotzAutomation add‑ons.

What is included in our Dynamics 365 Add‑On?

Our pre-built add‑on is compatible with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 application, API and documents and includes:
Object identification feature
Pre‑built object controls for Dynamics 365 application
Pre‑built components to validate documents and integrations
Orchestrated canvas to build real‑time workflows and apply rules and conditions
Component for finance & operation models with pre‑built workflows

BotzAutomation benefits

No-code/low‑code automation approach makes Dynamics 365 testing easy to create and maintain.
Automation with API Recording
Convert your Dynamics 365 API specification into automatable test cases using the Botz API Recorder.
One Test Automation Platform
Use one tool for all your Dynamics 365 automation.
Integrated Validation
Integrate your Dynamics 365 API validation along with your UI functional validation.
Test Real-Time Processes
With orchestrated executions, apply rules and conditions and execute tests in dependent mode without manual intervention.
Real-Time Monitoring
Monitor execution status and logs in real‑time.

Supported Dynamics 365 testing types

Smoke Test
Integrate with your CICD pipeline and perform automated build certification.
Lifecycle Testing
Automate end‑to‑end processes within Dynamics 365 environment including with rules and conditions.
API Integration Testing
Automate Dynamics 365 integration layers APIs easily without writing code.
Document Testing
Automate verification of documents those are generated.
Business Process Testing
Automate real‑time business process flows using orchestration for end‑to‑end testing that cut across multiple systems.
Update Testing
Verify and certify all mandate updates by automating and running regression test flows without any manual effort.

Tackling Dynamics 365 automation challenges


With BotzAutomation…

Complex steps and data in automation
  • Testers with no coding experience can build automation
  • Users can leverage prebuilt components to reduce the number of steps that need to be automated since components offer one true source for screens and objects
  • Dynamics 365 automation is faster and less costly to build, and easier to maintain
Painful process to identify all Dynamics 365 objects
  • The tool auto scans the Dynamics 365 screens to create the components and embeds objects within each of its components.
  • There is no need for testers to manually identify fields and objects. No more painful and manual processes to create the Dynamics 365 fields and objects within the automation tool.
Slow process to get started with Dynamics 365 automation
  • The Orchestration feature enables the development of real‑time, end‑to‑end test flows. It also supports cross platform automation and a single platform to automate across web interfaces, APIs and databases.
  • The pre‑built Dynamics 365 components for all lines of business, makes it easier to move away from smaller testcases and increase the efficiency of regression packages.
Expensive test automation maintenance
  • The system uses a component‑based system, that is more intuitive to use to create and maintain testcases. It also reduces duplicate dataset and automation bloat by relying on one true source for application screens and objects.
  • You don’t need coders to create your automation test cases. Testers can build tests during in‑spring testing that works within the application and across the enterprise.
Manual effort to upgrade cloud automation
  • The tool is ready to execute automation on the Dynamics 365 Cloud version as screens are upgraded.
  • This means that automation is in ready for execution when a Dynamics 365 page is ready.

Take your testing to the next level

Let us show you how our Microsoft Dynamics 365 add‑on can change how your organization tests and automates.
Talk to an automation consultant
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